The skua project
Report on skua breeding success
The Elephant Seal Research Group is carrying out a research project on the Falkland skuas of Sea Lion Island. We are studying the distribution of nests, the breeding success of the different skua pairs, and the communication system of the species.
Although skuas are very interesting marine birds, they have not been studied much in the Falkland Islands. The only recent paper appeared in the scientific literature (Catry, P., A. Almeida, M. Lecoq, J. Granadeiro and R. Matias (2011). Low breeding success and sharp population decline at the largest known Falkland skua colony. Polar Biology 34(8): 1239-1241), showed a significant drop in the nest number and breeding success at New Island.
At Sea Lion Island skuas are apparently increasing in number, therefore, we decided to begin a regular monitoring of their nesting and breeding success.
For more information please contact us by email at Thank you for your interest in our research projects !